Islamic Sayings And Quotes Islamic Quotes In Urdu About Love In English About Life Tumblr Wallpapers In Arabic Images On Marriage About Women
4th, 2007 by Ahmed.
Abdullah ibn Umar (Radiyallahu anhu) narrates that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“The person who
is invited amongst you by his brother should accept the invitation whether it
is a wedding invitation or anything similar to it.” [Muslim]
Jabir ibn Abdullah (radiallahu anhu) narrates that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“If anyone of
you is invited to partake of meals, he should at least accept the invitation.
Thereafter he may partake of it if he desires or he may totally abstain from
it.” [Muslim]
Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrates that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“If anyone of
you is invited for meals, he should accept the invitation. If he is fasting, he
should make Duaa (of goodness and blessing) for the inviter (some maintain that
he should set out and perform salaah at the host’s house), and if he is not
fastin he should partake of the meal.” [Muslim]
excuse will be entertained in declining an invitation. However, if wine and
other intoxicants are provided at the invitation or food will be eaten out of
gold and silver utensils or there is a fear of any other evil, one should on no
account accept the invitation.
uninvited people accompany one who is invited, he should firstly seek the
host’s consent so that he is not annoyed and disheartened (by the arrival of an
uninvited guest).
Abu Masood Badri (radiallahu anhu) narrates: A certain person invited the Holy
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم over for meals. Including the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم,
food was prepared for 5 people. On the way to the invitation, a sixth person
joined them. When the group arrived at the door of the host, the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“This person has
also joined us. if you wish to, you may permit him or else he will return.”
(the host) said:
“O Prophet of
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم, I don’t mind him partaking of the meal.” [Muslim]
Abdullah ibn Masood (radiallahu anhu) says that the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“Accept the
invitation of he who invites you. Avoid declining a gift and refrain from
annoying the Muslims.” [Muslim]
of tears
5th, 2010 by Ahmed.
is related by Abdullah bin Masood that the Apostle of God said: “The tears that
fall from the eyes of a truthful Believer, out of the fear of the Lord, and,
then, roll down his face, however little they are, even of the size of a fly
[i.e., just one drop], shall prevent the Fire of Hell from [touching] his
shows that the face that gets wet, at any time, with tears shed in response to
the fear of the Lord will remain protected from the Fire of Hell. When the happy tidings of protection against the Fire of Hell are given in a Tradition, as a result of performing a virtuous deed, it, generally, means that it is the characteristic attribute of that deed, and God will keep him safe from the infernal Fire who will carry it out provided that he is not guilty of a mortal sin which calls for the punishment of Fire, or if he has ever committed a sin entailing damnation, he has offered sincere repentance for it and resolved not to do it again. It must not be taken for an attempt at explaining away a difficulty but even in our common parlance such a condition is supposed to be implied with a promise or assurance of that kind.
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