Islamic Quotes About Death Islamic Quotes In Urdu About Love In English About Life Tumblr Wallpapers In Arabic Images On Marriage About Women
"O you who believe! Let not your properties, nor your children
divert you from the remembrance of Allah. Whosoever does that, then they are
the losers. So spend (in charity) of that with which We have provided you,
before death comes to one of you and he says: ‘My Lord! If only you would give
me respite for a little while (i.e. return to the worldly life), then I should
give Sadaqah (I.e. Zakat - Obligatory charity) of my wealth, and be among the
righteous.’ But Allah grants respite to none when his appointed time (death)
comes. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do."
(Qur'an Al-Munafiqun 63:9-11)
The Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
"Remember much, that which cuts off pleasure: Death, since
no-one remembers it in times of difficulty, except that things are made easy
for him, nor mentions it at times of ease, except that the affairs become
constricted for him."
Saheehul-Jaami’us Sagheer, no 1222
Life in this World
Many humans live the life of this world, seeking the best that it
has to offer, while ignoring what lies ahead of them upon death. This is a
result of weak faith, for such people live only for what is before their eyes.
The adornment of this world are but temptations to distract you from the true
purpose of life and the reminder that you will indeed be responsible for all
you do in this life.
Believing in death is part of belief in the unseen and is an
essential part of faith.
As Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:
"Alif Laam Meem. This is the Book without doubt, in it is
guidance sure, for those who fear Allah, those who believe in the Unseen, are
steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what we have provided."
(Qur'an Al-Baqarah 2:1-3)
and also:
"Seek Allah’s help with patience and prayer. It is indeed
hard, except for those who are humble. Who bear in mind that they will meet
their Lord and that they are to return to Him."
(Qur'an Al-Baqarah 2:45-46)
A Reminder
Death is a harsh and fearful reality faced by everyone who lives.
No one has the power to avoid it, nor does anyone around the dying person have
the ability to prevent it.
It is something, which happens every moment and is encountered by
the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the strong and the weak. They are
all the same because there is no plan or means of escaping it, no power, no
means of intercession, no way to prevent it, nor to delay it, which shows that
indeed it comes from One having tremendous power - so that the human is helpless
in this regard and can only submit to it.
So in Allah’s hand alone is the granting of life, and in His hand
is the return of what He gave at the appointed time, and after the allotted
life span, whether the people are in their houses amongst their families, or
striving to seek provision or striving for Aqeedah (correct belief). Reward and
recompense are with Him, and He has full knowledge and power.
So the return of all is to Allah, and they will be raised up before
Him, having no place of return except that, and no destiny but this one.
The only difference between people will be their deeds and
intentions. But, with regard to their physical death, then it is one, death at
the appointed time after the decreed span, and resurrection on the Day of Gathering
of mankind when we will all face Allah. Then Forgiveness and Mercy, or His
displeasure and punishment will be dealt out justly according to His will.
As Allah says in the Qur’an:
"Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of
Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away
from the fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. The life of
this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)."
(Qur'an Al-Imran 3:185)
You must believe with absolute certainty the reality that the life
in this world is limited and has an appointed beginning and an appointed end.
Everyone’s soul will taste it and will depart from this life. The difference
between these souls is their final destination: Paradise or Hell. We should
exert all effort in attaining Paradise and pay great attention to avoiding
prohibitions and deeds, which may inevitably lead us to Hell.
There are many ayah’s in the Qur’an that mention Death:
"Say: Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet
you, then you will be sent back to (Allah), the All-Knower of the unseen and
the seen, and He will tell you what you used to do."
And also:
"And we granted not to any human being immortality before you
(O Muhammad), then if you die, would they live forever? Everyone is going to
taste death, and We shall make a trial of you with evil and with good, and to
Us you will be returned."
(Qur'an Al-Anbiyah 21:34-35)
And also:
"(He) Who created death and life, that He may test which of
you is best in deed. He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving."
(Qur'an Al-Mulk 67:2)
There are many Prophetic Ahadith regarding death and the effect it
should have on us.
From Al-Baraa’ ibn Aazib (ra), who said:
"We went out with Allah’s Messenger (saws) with the funeral of
a man of the Ansar and we came to the grave and the niche in the side of the
grave (al-Lahd), had not been dug out yet, so Allah’s Messenger (saws) sat and
we sat around him as if we had birds upon our heads, and in his hand he had a
stick with which he was striking the ground. Then he raised his head and said:
‘Seek Allah’s refuge from the Punishment of the Grave,’ two or three times.
Then he said: ‘When the believing servant is leaving this world and going onto
the Hereafter, angels with white faces - as if their faces were in the Sun -
descend upon him. With them is a shroud from the shrouds of Paradise and
perfume for embalming from the perfume of Paradise, so they sit away from him
at the distance the eye can see and then the Angel of Death (as) comes and sits
by his head and says: "O good soul, come out to forgiveness from Allah and
His good pleasure." He said: "So it comes out, just as a drop flows
out from the mouth of the drinking vessel, and he takes it but does not leave
it in his hand even for the blink of an eye until they take it and places it in
that shroud, and that perfume, and there comes out from him a smell like that
of the best musk found upon the face of the earth." He said: "So they
ascend with it, (i.e. the persons soul) and they do not pass by any group of
Angels except that they say: ‘Who is this good and pure soul?’ So they reply:
"So and so, the son of so and so." with the best of his names which
he used to be called by in this world, until they come to the lowest Heaven,
and ask that it should be opened for him, so it is opened for him, they
accompany him through every Heaven until he is taken up to the seventh Heaven,
and Allah the Al-Mighty says: "Write the record of my slave in Illiyon
(signifying highness) and return him to earth to his body." Then they say:
"Who is your Lord?" So he will say: "My Lord is Allah." So
they will say: "What is your Deen?" He will say: "My Deen is
Islam." So they say: "Who is the man who was sent amongst you?"
So he will say: "He is Allah’s Messenger." So they say: "How did
you come to know that?" So he will say: "I read the Book of Allah,
and believed in it , and attested to it." So a caller will call from
Heaven: "Indeed My servant has spoken the Truth, so spread a place for him
in Paradise, and a open a door to Paradise for him, so some of its fragrances
and scents come to him and his grave is extended as far as the eye can
see." He said: "A person with a Handsome face, and beautiful clothes
and good smell comes to him and says. ‘Receive good news, which will please
you. This is the day which you were promised.’ So he says to him: "Who are
you?, since your face appears to signify good." So he says: "I am
your righteous actions." He therefore says: "O Lord, establish the
Last Hour. O Lord establish the Last Hour - so that I may return to my family
and wealth."
But when the unbelieving servant is leaving this world and going
into the Hereafter, angels with black faces descend upon him as far as the eye
can see. The Angel of Death comes and sits by his head and says: "O foul
soul, come out to Allah’s displeasure and anger." So the soul spreads
throughout the body, so he (the Angel of Death) drags it out, just as a pronged
roasting fork is pulled out of wool. So he takes it, but does not leave it in
his hand for the blink of an eye until they put it in those coarse sack cloths.
Then there comes from him an offensive stench, like that of the foulest
smelling corpse rotting upon the face of the earth. So they ascend with it
(i.e. the soul), and they do not pass by any group of angels except that they
say: "what is that foul smell!" So they say: "So and so, son of
so and so," calling him with the ugliest names which he used to be called
with in this world, until they come with him to the lowest heaven, and ask permission
to enter, and it is not opened for him." Then Allah’s Messenger (saws)
"...for them the gates of heaven will not be opened, and they
will not enter Paradise until the camel goes through the eye of a needle (which
is impossible)."
(Qur'an Al-Araf 7:40)
So Allah (swt) says: "write his record in Sijjeen (a name
signifying constriction) within the lowest earth." Then his soul is flung
down, and he recited:
"...and whoever assigns partners to Allah, it is as if he had
fallen from the sky, and the birds had snatched him, or the wind had thrown him
to a far off place."
(Qur'an Al-Hajj 22:31)
So his soul is returned to his body and two Angels come and make
him sit up. Then they say to him: "Who is your Lord?" So he will say:
"Ah, ah, I don’t know." So they will say: "Who is this man who
was sent amongst you?" So he will say: Ah, ah, I don’t know." So a
caller will call from heaven: "You have lied so spread a place for him in
the Fire, and open a door to the Fire for him." So some of its heat and
scorching air comes upon him, and his grave is constricted to the extent that
his ribs interlace, and a man with an ugly face, unsightly clothes and smelling
offensively comes to him and says: "Receive news of that which will grieve
you, this is the day which you were promised." So he will say: "Who
are you?" He will answer: "I am your evil actions." So the
unbeliever will say: "O Lord, Do not establish the Last Hour."
Saheehul-Jaami, reported by Ahmed and others
Death is Pre-Established
Death will occur at a fixed time. The time is, of course, unknown
to us. The place, the time, the way in which each of us will die is known only
to Allah. The death of each of us has been pre-recorded in a book by Allah. It
cannot be brought about or avoided:
"Wherever you are death will find you out, even if you are in
the towers built up strong and high..."
(Qur'an An-Nisa 4:11)
"It is He who gives Life and causes Death: and when He decides
upon an affair, He says to it, ‘Be’ - and it is."
(Qur'an Ghafir 40:68)
Death cannot be caused by anyone or anything, nor can it be stopped
or delayed unless such is in agreement with what has been pre-written. Allah
(swt) tells us:
"Nor can a soul die except by Allah’s leave, the term being
fixed by writing..."
(Qur'an Al-Imran 3:145)
This is where belief in Al-Ghayb (unseen) plays a big role. As
humans we are deficient in our knowledge and as such we grasp that which is
before us, comprehend it very well and use it for our benefit. We see the signs
of Allah throughout the world before our eyes... the sun, the moon, day and
night. etc., and it is these that we use to our advantage. However, the unseen,
that which we have been asked to believe in without being able to see, is also
an area of knowledge that we must grasp and use to benefit us as it contains
much concerning our life in the hereafter.
The demise of a person contains a number of occurrences that we
cannot see and perhaps are unaware of when they take place. When a person dies
we cannot see what he sees, nor hear what he hears, nor feel what he feels. We
don’t know what happens and of course no one has lived to tell of that
experience. There are certain things we do not know that occur.
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