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The word Urdu means “army”. It was awarded with this name because
it was developed by the army of first Mughal King Babar. When Babar invaded
south Asia, he had a large army which included soldiers from many different
countries. They were from Turkey, Arab, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan, South Asia
and many other countries. The soldiers had problems in intra-army communication
because of language variation. These soldiers gradually developed a new
language containing words from languages of all soldiers. This new language
seemed like an army of words from different languages and hence, it was called
Urdu. Early Urdu was quite different from today’s and was not very fine form.
Like all other languages, Urdu had to go through the stages of evolution. New
words were created which belonged only to Urdu, thence Urdu began to become
famous because of its flexibility.
When British came to south Asia, they brought their own language,
English, with them. Urdu had no hesitation in accepting the terms and words
from English, as their counterpart was not there in Urdu because of difference
of culture. Many English words were used in their real form and others were
changed according to the accent of Urdu.
Today, Urdu is continuously passing through the process of
evolution because of its flexibility. Perhaps that’s the reason that Urdu has
become the third most popular language of the world.
From the very beginning of Urdu, the local Hindus couldn’t and
didn’t accept Urdu. They thought that it was a Muslim language as it was developed
by the Muslim army of a Muslim King, Babar. Secondly, Urdu was written in
Arabic style. Nevertheless, Hindus had to use this language and they had to
accept it in one way or another.
Hence, they got a brilliant idea, which is till today working against
Muslims, that they added a lot of words from Sanskrit into Urdu and began to
call it Hindi or Hindustani. They used their Sanskrit style for writing the new
mutilated and spoiled form of Urdu, which they called Hindi or Hindustani.
Today’s Hindi or Hindustani is the most mutilated and spoiled form
of Urdu. But the Indian propaganda against Pakistan and its values and
belongings has resulted in a strong belief of western countries that “Urdu is a
form of Hindi or Hindustani”, which is completely wrong. The reality is
opposite to it. Hindi or Hindustani is a mutilated and spoiled form Urdu and it
is the reality. The real Urdu is in Pakistan.
India has a policy of culturally diminishing Pakistan from the
canvas of the world. For this purpose, it uses all of its resources including
media and large population.
So never think that Urdu is something related to India. India has
hijacked and corrupted Urdu to call it Hindi or Hindustani.
It is a part of Indian cultural policies against Pakistan. It is a
cultural war, which Pakistan has to win.
The fall of the Urdu language began in the late 1800’s. Coincidentally it was the same time when the
Muslims lost control of the region to the British after ruling (majority) Hindu
India for over 1200 years. The
imperialist power gave great importance to the spread of English and chose
Hindustani as the medium language for the average man. Hindustani was the language mixed between
Urdu and Hindi (with the scale slanted heavily towards the latter). It was used as a tool to merge the Hindus and
the Muslims into a single identity, servants of Britain. At this point the leaders and educated among
the Muslims knew that if they didn’t create their own state, they would soon be
Indianized loosing their religion, culture, and identity.
The Muslims created their state to the far West of the Empire,
bordering Iran. They left the cities
from which they ruled such as Agra to the Hindus. Islamic architecture and signs of Muslim rule
can still be found in India to this day.
The land of the Muslims came to be known as the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan (اسلامی جمہوریہِ پاکستان), translated as ‘the Land of the Pure’. There were great visions for the people, the
country, and the state (ایمان, اتحاد, و نظم) Faith, Unity, and Discipline:based on three main
principles. A leadership by the will of
the people that would institute the Shari’a system (Islamic Law) while at the
same time promoting education and the progression of the nation. A dream of economic, technological, and
scientific progression abstaining from that which the Creator forbade and
remaining steadfast on what He commanded.
Urdu was at that time the language of the government, educational
system, and the people.
Then befell unto Pakistan tragedies that could be lamented until
the Day of Resurrection. Corrupt men and
women took control of the country and used the power for personal gain;
education and literacy fell greatly. The
Urdu language was directly affected by these events. Media and technology were on the rise and
more and more people had access to motion video pictures. Soon the common man was drawn to the glamour
of English movies and the indecency of Indian films; the study and usage of
Urdu grew to minimal levels. After a
military coupe d’etat Pakistan fell into the hands of Musharraf and his
officers. Now, the future of the Urdu
language looks grim resting in the hands of those ready to compromise
themselves and their faith. Continued
in ‘Future’ section.
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